
Sunday, April 13, 2014

5 reason why you should eat eggs

Delicious and definitely nutritious.

Eggs are beautiful. They are a picture perfect example of what nature is able to accomplish. They help make us more beautiful by helping both the inside of our body, like our hearts, as well as the outside of our body, like our hair. 

While eggs have gotten a bad wrap for a long time due to cholesterol fears, evidence in the British Medical Journal showed that moderate egg consumption may not have any effect on heart disease or stroke. 

Here are 5 reasons why eggs can fit well into a beautiful diet:
Eggs can help make beautiful babies. They're a must for pregnant women. Why? Because eggs are chockfull of choline, a B vitamin that growing babies need for essential development of the brain. Choline supplementation has also been linked to a lower risk of mental disorders in babies, as well as well as a reduced risk for both Down syndrome dysfunction and dementia. 

Eggs can help curb your evening snacking problem. Eating a high-protein breakfast helps ward off cravings later in the day, according to a 2013 study. The high quality protein in eggs helped create greater satiety in individuals, which lasted all day long. So if you're trying to lose a few pounds and just can't shake your cravings for chips or sweets after 7pm, eggs may be something you'll want to consider earlier in the day. 

Eggs may improve your reflexes. A 2014 study found that tyrosine, an amino acid found in eggs, helped individuals with making quick knee jerk responses more than placebo. Researchers noted that the tyrosine effect may actually help in situations such as driving where an instant decision can mean the difference between an accident and just a normal day on the road. 

Eggs may help to reduce the risk of cancer. Antioxidants in eggs may actually help to reduce the risk of both cancer and heart disease, two of the major killers in the United States, according to a 2011 study. Even though cooking eggs reduces the amount of antioxidants by half, that still leaves eggs with equal the amount of antioxidants found in apples, according to researchers

Eggs may help to lower blood pressure. The protein in eggs could help reduce blood pressure by acting in the body the same way an ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme ) inhibitor, a type of hypertension medication, would, according to a 2009 study. With a reduced risk of high blood pressure comes a reduced risk for heart disease as well-an added benefit! 

Keep in mind that you don't have to limit egg consumption to breakfast. Make hard-boiled eggs ahead of time and keep them on hand for snacks-eggs are a great fuel source before a run. Or have them for lunch instead, using egg whites and turmeric-rich yellow mustard to make healthy deviled eggs, or even dinner, mixing together egg whites, spinach, onions and broccoli to create an amazing frittata. 

Just be sure to watch your overall daily animal protein intake. A March 2014 study showed that protein from animals increased mortality in adults under the age of 65. That doesn't mean you should never have animal protein sources like eggs; it just means that your eggs should come along with a well-rounded diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and protein sources from plants as well.

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