I am very truly sorry for such a long time not update myself. Well, u know to search for single free time is quite hard for me now, not same when i was a student before.
Now, which part u wants to hear first, the sweet memory or the sad one?
Sometimes, I imagine life like a piano. The white keys represent happiness while the black keys represent sadness. BUT as you go through the life's journey, remember that, the black keys make music too.
Yes, to reminisce all the memories for the entire months of 2011, bittersweet are there…let us start with the sad one..owky
For the first time, I dun have sense of Mood for this coming Gawai, why? : Perhaps because there is no longer my late grandma smiling to us at the front door of our double-storey longhouse. Nanny, it is empty without you. The biggest lost in my family. But I do believe God love her more than us do. R.i.p and May Lord Bless your soul. Amen. And I do believe we’ll meet each other one fine day.
I guess, that is only one sad memory for now. Then, click another channel, this is more fun and excitingJ
To list this down:
1. Meri ucap Selamat Gawai 2011, ngagai bala kaban ka nyambut Gawai. Arap taunt ok ngemai pengerai, penyenang ngau pengelantang ngagai semua orang.ohaaaaa……….
2. Two of my sisters deliver a babies, one baby girl=baby Dania and another baby boy=baby Rafael Bajang. Welcome to the familyJ lotsa..lotsa of LOVE.
3. And I welcoming my gadgets which I reveal as a baby Triton. White Triton. And coming soon baby Nikon DSLR.
4. On my December, I’ll have new house. Much2 bigger than now. Wah….kenot wait to move to a new house.
5. Jika ada kesempatan, diri ini ingin memenuhi segenap impian menyambung Master. I am hunger for knowledges and education always.
I guess this is the end of my post this time. Tujuan Blog bukan untuk menjaja cerita peribadi, Cuma mana lah tahu satu hari nanti, tiada lagi di muka bumi ini. Boleh juga kalian pembaca mengingati diri ini, dan ia nya juga bertujuan sebagai coretan lembaran kenangan semoga ia segar dalam ingatan.